Get the most out of your massage
Three tips to get the best massage experience possible
Whether you’re just scheduling your first appointment or you’ve been a client of ours for years, there are some tips you should know about preparing your body to have the best massage experience every time. (Your muscles will thank you for it!)
Taking ownership of your own wellness is a daily mindset, and that applies to your massage routine as well. Use these tips to get the most out of your massage:
- Communicate. The biggest key to a successful appointment with your massage therapist is to communicate before and during the massage. Before the massage, you should let your massage therapist know why you’re there and what you’re hoping to get out of the experience.You should also let him or her know of anything big that’s happened to your body: car accidents, major injuries and/or surgeries. Even if these events were long ago, they may have lasting effects on your body that your therapist should know about to avoid injuring you. If something doesn’t feel right during the massage, or if you are in pain, let your massage therapist know as soon as possible. The sooner you mention it, the more quickly it can be corrected.
- Warm up with a workout. One of the best ways to warm up your muscles is to use them! The art of massage relaxes your muscles and your body by working them. When the muscles are already warmed up, they’re more malleable, and your massage therapist can get to work releasing tension and relieving knots faster. A quick workout followed with a warm shower will help to keep those muscles relaxed.
- Hydrate. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids every day. The night before and the day of your massage, avoid alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates you and can prevent your muscles from being loose and malleable like they should be. After your massage, it’s important that you drink plenty of water to help your body restore your muscles after they’ve been worked on.
At Be Well Bodyworks, we aim to give you the best therapeutic experience possible. By following the steps above, you’re truly taking ownership over your own massage experience and of your body. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your next appointment.