Street Closure for the Coffman Street Project

Please be aware of the STREET CLOSURE AND NO PARKING ON COFFMAN FOR THE WEEK OF March 20th through March 24th
The 600 block of Coffman Street will be closed for a water main replacement.
The RTD lot located on Coffman and 8th St. ( 775 Coffman St, Longmont, CO 80501) is free parking all day. It is a 3 minute walk from the RTD lot to our office. 
Please allow yourself extra time to get to your appointment and call us with any concerns.
Terry St. and other side streets will still be available for parking, please see the parking map below.
For more information about the project, detailed traffic control information including detours, closures, and lane shifts please visit You may also reach out to the City of Longmont Customer Service Center at 303-651-8416.
Please call us if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you so much for your understanding during this waterline replacement project.
The Be Well Bodyworks Team
630 Coffman St Unit B
Longmont, CO 80501